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Done is better than perfect

I hadn't realised how much Slow Lines Co. has taken a backseat until I realise my last grid post on Instagram was back in the middle of August, I hadn't got many homewares ready for the upcoming market and the Etsy shop has been closed for months.

It's been a struggle balancing this little business, my day job, university work and my mental health but I'm happy to say I am finding it easier to balance everything. As much as I love Autumn, the dark nights definitely creep up on you and with working longer days at the day job it's taking some time to adjust.

I had a stall at the Renartgades November market today which was lovely to get me back into the swing of things. It was lovely to get feedback on the new print collections and some of the new ceramic homewares I've made for the Christmas collection! The soft opening of the Etsy shop is now live! - I've not classed it as a full reopening yet as I still have a lot of product photography to get done and uploaded but you can shop the digitally drawn prints and cards from their digital images.


I think it is easy to think that every small detail needs to be completed before we do something but I'm beginning to realise that done is better than perfect

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